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Terms and Conditions for Pupil Progress Amazon Gift Card Referral Scheme
- Offer Period:
The Pupil Progress Amazon Gift Card Referral Scheme begins at 08:00 GMT on Monday, 4th November 2024. The offer is valid throughout November 2024 or while stocks last. - Eligibility:
To qualify for the offer:- The person you (the "Referrer") are referring (the "Referee") must be a decision-maker for a school or Mulit-Academy Trust, with sufficient authority to authorise a Pupil Progress subscription (for example, a member of the Senior Leadership Team).
- The schools or Multi-Academy Trusts that Referees represent must:
- Be UK-based or international schools teaching the UK national curriculum
- Cover Key Stage 4 and / or 5 (e.g. be Secondary Schools or Sixth Form Colleges)
- And must not be:
- Current Pupil Progress subscribers
- PiXL Member Schools
- Schools that have attended a demo call in the past six months
- Gift Card Details:
Upon completion of a demonstration call by the Referree, the Referrer will receive one £25 Amazon Gift Card. Upon the Referee's school or Trust purchasing a whole Key Stage subscription as a result of the demonstration call, the referrer will receive one £175 Amazon Gift Card. - Other Conditions:
Gift cards will be sent electronically. Gift cards are only payable to the Referrer who the Referee names in their demonstration call booking form or the person they submit first, and will be sent to the email address the Referee lists on the form. In certain cases where required, discretion will be applied. £25 Gift cards will be sent to referrers within 30 days of the demonstration call taking place. £175 Gift cards will be sent to Referrers within 30 days of payment by the school or Trust for the whole Key Stage subscription. Pupil Progress has no affiliation with Amazon. Pupil Progress reserves the right to subsitute Amazon Gift Cards for another reward of equivalent value. If in the view of Pupil Progress any person is attempting to exploit the scheme by acting without good faith, gift card rewards may be withheld. Any deceptive or fraudulant activity related to the scheme may be considered criminal and in such cases we will contact the police and consider taking legal action. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Pupil Progress Ltd accepts no liability for any loss, damage and/or personal injury suffered by participating in this Promotion and/or arising out of the enjoyment of a Reward. Pupil Progress reserves the right to withdraw, amend, or extend the offer at any time. - Personal data:
Any personal data collected in relation to this scheme will be collected, stored, and processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which you can find at: https://www.pupilprogress.com/privacy-policy - Effective date:
The scheme and its terms are effective from 1st November 2024 and are subject to change.
If you have any questions about the scheme, do not hesitate to contact us at info@pupilprogress.com.