Flexible and Relevant

Add Your Own Tests and Assessments

Personalise the tracker to build an accurate picture of pupils’ progress from the start of the course. Add your own assessments with Question Level Analysis and link key topics to topic summaries.

Add Your Own Tests

Match the tracker to your assessment plan by adding your own mini-assessments, with optional Question Level Analysis

Nudge Your Grade Boundaries

Some internal assessments may be easier or harder than expected. Nudge grade boundaries up or down for individual tests to mirror these outcomes

Relevant Grades

As you move through the course, you’ll have more robust and relevant assessments to use for grade calculations, so you can switch off outdated end of topic tests

Identify Trends Early

Colour scaling of marks shows higher marks in darker colours, so you can see immediately which topics to revisit and where to adapt your curriculum plan

"It's a brilliant system. It has really developed my understanding of data analysis and the process of generating an overall grade. I love how robust it is and how easily the entire department can access. Staff understand the system very quickly and it has become a part of all department meetings. Most important, Barnaby and Brett. They are great people who want to make a difference. They have done with me and my department. I will use this system as long as I am HOD and have encouraged other departments within my school to do the same (now used in English)."

Liam Durr

Subject Leader - Chatsmore Catholic High School

Ready to get better insights into your students' progress?